Most of my projects can be found on GitHub:
- an overview of music festivals in Switzerland.
- patterns: a mobile and web app that helps you track patterns between time series.
- timelangs: a small web app about the history of programming languages.
- tflyrics: a Python package that allows you to easily select lyrics by specific artists from the database of song lyrics, and train a recurrent network to generate text that sounds similar to those lyrics.
- An implementation of Conway's Game of Life in JavaScript: watch an ecosystem of pixelated creatures evolve in your browser.
- Machine Lambda: a purely functional Haskell implementation of stochastic gradient descent for deep feed-forward neural networks.
- DBNsim: a web app that allows you to design, train, and analyse a Deep Belief Network (DBN) from your browser. A DBN is a stack of Restricted Boltzmann Machines.
- XHTML-to-Latex: an XSLT template that turns XHTML pages into a Latex document.
- sweki (in Italian): my notes from the 2016/2017 course on Software Engineering by prof. Vardanega at the University of Padova.
- SWEdesigner (in Italian): a web app that allows to generate a Java program by drawing diagrams.